
bed bugs


This pest profile is dedicated to a small (but very viscous) insect known as bed bug (Cimex lectularius).

Here you can learn more about the appearance, feeding habits, detection, etc. of those blood-sucking creatures.

Continue reading below and you will also find answers to questions such as how can bed bugs be transported on clothing and how to get rid of them if a property gets infested. Without further ado let’s take a closer look at these pesky home invaders.



The adult bed bug is brown (to reddish-brown), oval-shaped, and has a pair of front wings. Luckily, it can’t fly. Microscopic hairs cover its entire body. It can grow to be 4–5mm. long and 1.5–3mm. wide. A newly hatched bed bug is called a nymph and it appears translucent. A variety of other common household bugs look similar to bed bugs, so make sure you know the difference.

 Feeding Habits

Bed bugs have an appetite for blood and they would gladly feed on humans. Water vapor in the air is enough for their need for additional moisture. Just like the mosquito, bed bugs are attracted to hosts mainly by carbon dioxide. It loves exposed skin, especially the arms, neck, and face of a sleeping person. Under warm conditions, the adult bed bug will try to feed every 5 to 10 days but it can survive for nearly 5 months without blood. Under cool conditions, it can last for over a year without feeding.

 Bed bug bites

If a person gets bitten, the most important thing is to be kept from being bitten repeatedly. Once all the biting stops, the symptoms will subside on their own without any treatment in about a week or two. There is no medical evidence that medications improve the condition of the victim. To avoid ongoing bites can be difficult as it requires the complete eradication of all bed bugs that reside at a dwelling.

 Can Bed Bugs Be Transported on Clothing?

In short – yes, bed bugs can be carried on clothing. If you are working in an office or simply have constant contact with people, there is a chance for bed bugs to transfer to you. But don’t worry, there are ways to prevent it.

You can’t stop the bugs to go to your clothes, but you can stop them from spreading around your home. Here is how:

If you have a suspicion that you are carrying the pests, go to a room without carpets or other clothing materials (e.g. bathroom).

Remove your clothes and put them in plastic bags.

They should remain there until the wear is ready to be laundered (with washing machine – at least 2 hours long wash cycle at 45°C) or frozen (at least a week, but it must be with really low temperatures -20°C/-30°C).